
Growing up, I often heard the proverb, "Curiosity killed the cat." It stood as a subtle hint that I was asking too many questions or venturing into a topic where I had no business.

As a self-proclaimed creative thinker, the concept of asking too many questions never sat right with me. When attempting to solve something, my best ideas come from looking at it in a new way, and the analysis/open-mindedness needed requires asking questions.

As Founder of S Davis Consulting, I put my curiosity to work every day, helping clients start, grow, or reimagine their businesses. Consulting in Digital Strategy & Operations has allowed me the latitude to enjoy a wide variety of experiences and opportunities I would have never imagined.

It wasn't until later in life that I discovered the full expression goes, "Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back." And it serves as a reminder that no matter the work required to solve my curiosity, the result is always worth it.


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